Monthly Archives: April 2013

Alphabetical Acrostic


Relatively simple acrostics may merely spell out the letters of the alphabet in order, such as an acrostic may be called an alphabetical acrostic or Abecedaries

Here is my Alphabetical Acrostic poem about my last name combined with where I come from.

Amazing names are not too common,

Banners of letters through one word,

Could make people amaze

Divert by its power,

Entertain by its difficultness

Feel the Hispanic culture

Gently kind and formal

Has impacted my self to love


Juan’s generation

Last and last name I love forever

Makes sense in life

Narrows my way through my home

Obeys my ability as an Hispanic citizen

Prostrates Machu Pichu

Queens and Kings to know about

Restarting its new generation

Succefully impacting people

Tastes as Inca Cola

Utilizes pieces of choclo

Varieties it’s donofrio ice creams

Wins volleyball South American cups

Xysters lovers of Cumbia and la Marinera

Yells till end

Zoological surreal name and culture makes life amaze me

Wave Poem



A wave poem utilizes increasing and decreasing syllable counts to resemble a series of ocean swells. It should have at least three “waves” however to ensure the soothing pattern. (1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1). Here is my wave poem about fellowship and demonstrates love.





am your

I see now,

sailing seas

For you I’m

like Sun


To amaze

You and I

are cats and rats

but different





Next of each other






Is a poem that consists in 5 lines, each set of 5 lines starts with one syllable and increases by one (1-2-3-4-5) and is 3 sets of 5 lines. Here is my Aruns poem about songs.


The voice

Mean something

It Inspires

Express emotions



Word choice

That’s a song

Rhythm expands

Making it hear



Are ours

Not from frogs

Is our success

Is Human design


April Poetry Challenge


April is the National Poetry Month, each day of the month I am challenging myself to try writing a new type of poem each day so here is the first one.

Tanka Poem

A Japanese poem consisting of five lines, the first and third of which have five syllables and the others seven. Tanka’s have in total have 31 syllabus (5-7-5-7-7). So here it is my Tanka poem talking about the character Cathy in the book of “The House on Mango Street.”

She is the mean one

Related to Queen of France

Cathy the hater

The kitty Cathy evil

The one American girl